Medicaid Application Approval Plan for Long Term Care
The process of applying for Medicaid requires a comprehensive and concrete understanding of the law, rules, and regulations. Without a firm understanding of these rules, the risk of failure is great. Consequently, we have created the following 7 Step Medicaid Application Approval Plan "MAAP" for both Pennsylvania and Florida to create hope, confidence in the system, and concrete answers and solutions for both the applicant, their family, and the facility. The goal of MAAP’s is to take the guesswork out of the process. Contact us today to learn more about obtaining your personalized MAAP.
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How an Asset Protection Trust Will Save Your Home and Assets from the Cost of Long Term Care
An Asset Protection Trust ("APT"), also known as an Irrevocable Income Only Trust (IIOT), is a special kind of Trust designed to qualify under Medicaid regulations and protect those assets transferred to it from the reach of long term care costs. If properly designed and implemented, an APT not only preserves the assets of the individual or couple for their future use, but also permits that individual or couple to qualify for Medicaid benefits.
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When a Loved One Passes Away
Navigating the Process of Handling a Decedent's Estate
As Elder Law Attorneys, we work with clients in various stages of age and illness progression, including the families of clients after a loved one has passed away. Many times, these family members are concerned with what needs to be done immediately after their loved one’s passing. This booklet lays out the responsibilities of the executor of the estate and also details the first steps to take when a loved one has passed away, including a determination of whether an estate needs to be “opened” on their behalf.
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Estate Planning for the Family with Young Children
Many young families often believe that they are too young, too healthy, too poor, or find themselves too busy to create an estate plan. However, none of these could be further from the truth when you have amazing little people who depend on you. Unfortunately, planning for death and disability is an essential part of your family journey. In order to ensure their stability and protection in the face of unimaginable tragedy, a solid estate plan for a young family usually consists of the following: a Last Will & Testament ("Will"), a Durable Power of Attorney ("DPOA"), and a Health Care Durable Power of Attorney & Living Will ("HCPOA"). What is ultimately drafted and included within these documents will determine the level of protection you are creating for your family.
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Essential Estate Planning
This publication is intended to give you a broad overview of many of the issues involved in Estate Planning - the essentials. It is not a comprehensive review of everything that you need to know. This publication is not a substitute for legal counsel. Rather, it is intended to supplement your knowledge so that when you are speaking to an estate planning attorney, you have some idea of the issues. By reviewing this document, you will have a better understanding and can do some further inquiry when you meet with your counsel.
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Applying for Medicaid
Almost every person who applies for Medicaid does so without any knowledge of how complex the process is and how the system really works. This book provides you with an eye opening look at how the application process works and walks you through what you need to do to have a successful application experience, including consulting with an experienced elder law attorney.
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Preserving Your Past, Protecting Your Future
After many years of helping individuals with long term care planning, I felt compelled to write this book to serve as a resource to those individuals in trusted financial advisory roles and relationships with seniors and their families, As our elderly population continues to expand, it is more important than ever to share how an experienced Elder Law attorney can become part of a financial advisory team and serve to complement existing and new client relationships with advice and counsel on how to address long term care costs within the complex worlds of Medicaid, Medicare, and Veterans Benefits. I invite you to come along with me on this journey of learning, enlightening, and solving the problems each of us face, whether personally or professionally, as we move through the aging continuum of care.
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Understanding the Five Year Look-Back
Understanding the Five Year Look-Back is a true and complete recitation of what the Five Year Look-Back is really all about and how it works. This book will provide you with specific information that you will not find anywhere else. The Five Year Look-Back is one of the least understood laws in the realm of Medicaid and I will give you an in-depth view of the law AND also share how you can preserve your life savings.
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