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About Zacharia Brown

Replace your anxieties
with peace of mind

About Zacharia Brown

We are an Estate Planning and Elder Law firm that focuses on helping individuals and families as they progress through the different stages of their lives. We counsel clients on estate planning, asset protection, planning and paying for long-term care, Medicaid and Veteran’s benefits and estate administration.

It is our belief that it is never too early to talk about creating an estate plan to protect your family. As individuals marry and/or have children, it is essential to create a plan that will ensure your family's stability and protect them if something unforeseen occurs. This type of planning usually consists of the following: a Last Will & Testament ("Will"), a Durable Power of Attorney ("DPOA"), and a Health Care Durable Power of Attorney & Living Will ("HCPOA"). Depending on your specific family situation, it may also include discussing a Trust; choosing a Guardian and Trustee for any minors; providing for a disabled child or loved one; ensuring that your 18-year-old has a Power of Attorney and other specific planning needs to your personal situation.

There is a segment of aging citizens who are blessed with relatively good health and may never require the intense personal care of a nursing home. For those folks, good life care planning may be all that is needed to see them through their days with dignity and a measure of independence. Families of those with failing health, however, may have no choice but to consider the care that a nursing home would provide, or in the alternative, will need to find support to care for their loved one at home. Unfortunately, the long-term care maze of federal, state and local rules and regulations that apply to available benefits, along with the myriad of housing options and care management issues can be overwhelming. WHETHER to apply for Medicaid or VA Benefits can be just as important a consideration as WHEN to apply. We are convinced that no one should attempt to navigate this system on their own. It is not a matter of losing some of your money to taxes. It is a matter of losing everything.

For 30 years, we have focused on Estate Planning, Elder Law Planning Needs of Seniors, Asset Preservation Planning, Medicaid and Veterans Benefits Eligibility and Estate Administration.

Replace your anxieties with peace of mind. Trust the knowledge and experience of the attorneys and staff of Zacharia Brown.